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Produced by the University of Toronto Drama Club
MiST Theatre at the University of Toronto Mississauga
February 5-7, 2015

Written by: Jean Annouilh
Translated by: Barbara Bray
Directed by: Bryn Kennedy & Rachel VanDuzer
Stage Managed by: Emma Miziolek

Cast: Emily Clarke, Victoria Dennis, Brett Houghton, Maya Jenkins, Kyle McDonald, Carrie. McEown, Alma Sarai, Jake Settle, Stanley Tomlinson, John Wamsley, Jackson Watt-Bowers & Khira Wieting

Nominated for Best Directing and Best Production and Winner of Best “Breathtaking and Impactful Movement Piece” at the University of Toronto Drama Coalition Awards

Antigone, daughter of Oedipus, belongs to a bloodline whose inescapable fate seems to damn her to a life of tragedy. Antigone’s two brothers, Polynices and Eteocles, have been murdered and Antigone’s uncle, King Creon, has declared that Polynices’ body be left to rot without proper burial rites. Fearing for the safety of her brother’s soul, she disobeys Creon’s direct order and takes matters into her own hands.

“Director Bryn Kennedy and Rachel VanDuzer collaborated to bring Antigone to life, using Jean Anouilh’s translation and a striking aesthetic.” – Kathelene Cattell-Daniels, The Medium